International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Anal Incontinence Symptoms and Quality of Life Module (ICIQ-B)

The ICIQ-B is a patient-completed questionnaire for evaluating symptoms of anal incontinence (including flatus incontinence) and impact on quality of life (QoL) in research and clinical practice across the world. The ICIQ-B provides a robust measure organised into three domains, bowel pattern, bowel control and impact on quality of life associated with anal incontinence symptoms. Four further items are included that do not form part of a score as they were considered essential extra items for assessment, clinically and by patients. This questionnaire will be of use to general practitioners and clinicians in both primary and secondary care institutions to screen for incontinence, to obtain a brief yet comprehensive summary of the level, impact and perceived cause of symptoms of incontinence and to facilitate patient-clinician discussions. It is also an ideal research tool.

Number of items: 20

Question items:

  • Frequency
  • Night-time frequency
  • Urgency
  • Medication
  • Pain/soreness
  • Staining/pad use
  • Control of watery/loose stools
  • Control of formed/solid stools
  • Control of wind
  • Control of mucus
  • Accidents
  • Predictability
  • Consistency of stool
  • Staining
  • Accident on mind
  • Restrict sexual activities
  • Embarrassed
  • Toilets
  • Planning
  • Staying at home

Associated publications:
Cotterill, N., Norton, C., Avery, K., Abrams, P., Donovan, J. (2011) Psychometric Evaluation of a new patient-completed questionnaire for evaluating anal incontinence symptoms and impact on quality of life: The ICIQ-B. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 54: 1235-1250

Cotterill, N., Norton, C., Avery, K., Abrams, P., Donovan, J. (2008) A patient-centered approach to developing a comprehensive symptom and quality of life assessment of anal incontinence. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 51: 82-87

Donovan J., Bosch JLHR., Gotoh M., et al. (2005). Symptom and quality of life assessment. In: Abrams P, Cardozo L, Khoury S, Wein A, eds. Incontinence, Third ed. Plymouth: Health Publication Ltd, 2005. 519-584.

Level of validation according to ICI grades of recommendation:

Suggested modules to use in conjunction:

Completion time:
A few minutes

Scores from 1-21 for bowel pattern, 0-28 for bowel control and 0-26 for impact on quality of life associated with anal incontinence symptoms

Available languages:
•Sinhala •Spanish (Chile) • Thai • UK English

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